Found Things
“Creator, grant me protection for the new things I have found: Love, Truth, Peace, My way.”- Jasai
(Limited Edition Infinity Collection)
TURQUOISE is a stone of protection which provides the wearer a more clear and enlightened understanding of themselves and the world around them. This includes insight into unpleasant realities which can and should be fully embraced as an integral part of the whole.
BLACK SPINEL is a grounding stone which provides protection against negative energy, experiences and people. It is often used to get rid of anger and resentment, replacing them with more effective ways of communicating. Black Spinel gives one inspiration and a better sense of empowerment, without overwhelming others.
MOONSTONE is the perfect expression of the yin feminine energy and the soothing energy of the moon. This iridescent stone brings calm, peace, and balance through both spiritual and terrestrial travel.
RHODOCHROSITE vibrates a powerful energy of love and inner peace, soothing the heart and comforting the soul. A talisman of joy and healing, rhodochrosite supports the embrace of one’s full powers and potential. Energies of action, release and love without fear move powerfully within the orbit of this stone.
Tying Instructions
Wondering how to tie your strand? Visit here for full instructions.